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Image by Susan Q Yin

In this section we are collecting additional resources around the problematic of Patient Safety

We will be constantly updating this content so don't hesitate check it regularly.

OPUS - Optimizing Patients Undergoing Surgery

In 2014, the EUPSF established task force for “Optimizing Patients Undergoing Surgery” (OPUS) with the aim to establish recommendations of best practice patterns for optimal management of patients undergoing surgery.

COVID-19 Resources

The resource aims to assist health workers and patients manage better the COVID-19 pandemic.


Find alerts, advisories, and recommendations regarding patient safety and quality​ of healthcare


"Sauve une vie" is an interactive simulation learning experience for general public and also healthcare professionals developed by CHU de Liège and University of Liège in Belgium. The platform offers for the time being two different situations: Cathy's heart (Episode 1) and Moto Accident (Episode 2). Both episodes are available in four languages (EN, FR, NL and DE).

Please let us know if you think about any specific topic or resources related to patient safety that should be added to our website.
related to patient safety that should be added to our website.

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