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20 March 2025


This joint webinar organised in collaboration with Word Patient Alliance and the European Patient Safety Foundation (EUPSF) aims To provide a comprehensive overview of the medical error landscape in Europe and explore solutions for better reporting and learning. 

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Moderator :  Helen Haskell, MA, Chair, WPA Patient Safety & Quality Council, USA

  1. Overview of medical errors and patient safety culture in Europe
    Ms. Katherine de Bienassis (France), Health Policy Analyst at OECD
    Mr. David Kelly (France), Health Policy Analyst at OECD

    Provide latest data and statistics on the incidence of medical errors in Europe based on the recent research by OECD. 

  2. Unlocking the Potential of Medical Error Reporting: Overcoming Barriers and Building Safer Systems
    PD Dr. Sven Staender (Switzerland), EUPSF Advisory Board Member and Past President (2019-2022) ; University of Zürich 
    Discuss barriers to reporting medical errors, the potential of independent investigation bodies and the importance of psychological and legal safety for healthcare professionals to speak up about errors.

  3. Panel Discussion

  • Mrs. Jolanta Bilinska (Poland), WPA Board Member and Chair of the Euro Region Steering Committee 

  • Mrs. Synnove Serigstad (Norway), Head of Relationship and Learning; The Norwegian Healthcare Investigation Board (UKOM)

  • Dr. Anupoma Haque (Austria), COST Association - European Cooperation in Science and Technology; Medical University Vienna
    Discuss culture around reporting, patient engagement, and ways to improve learning from medical errors.

More information and registrations 

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