With our Affiliates we share knowledge, tools and recommendations for implementing innovative practices, to improve patient safety and outcomes.
Who can join?
Non-profit Organisations

Collaborative projects
Possibility to contribute to development and implementation of projects.
Access to European multidisciplinary network promoting the exchange of
knowledge and best practices.
EUPSF Governance
Being part of the Council of Affiliates with real impact on the steering of the
Foundation and possibility to be part of the EUPSF Board.
Patient Safety Conference
Invitation to participate in the programme of the conference;
One complimentary conference registration
Promotion of the collaboration and partnership and patient safety commitment
on and project websites.
Non Profit Organisation (NPO) Affiliate: All non-profit organisations interested in improving patient safety and outcomes , such as patient organisations, national patient safety and quality organisations, universities, hospitals and other non-profit organisations that wish to develop a collaborative relationship with the EUPSF can become EUPSF NPO Affiliates. Learn more
Industry Affiliate: All industry companies interested in improving patient safety and outcomes that wish to develop a collaborative relationship with the EUPSF can become EUPSF Industry Affiliates. Learn more
Individual Affiliate: All persons and experts interested in improving patient safety and outcomes who wish to develop a collaborative relationship with the EUPSF can become Individual Affiliates. Learn more
Pre-affiliate: Pre-affiliate status is intended for small companies or start-ups that wish to develop a collaborative relationship with the EUPSF, outside the bonds of traditional affiliation. Learn more
For each category of Affiliates, the Board will suggest a yearly financial contribution according to the accounts, budget and activities plan, which will be approved by the Council of Affiliates by a simple majority of votes. Only when the yearly financial contribution has been paid, an Affiliate can participate in the Council of Affiliates.

Council of Affiliates is composed from the individual affiliates and representatives of affiliate organisations and has the following powers: appointment and dismissal of the Board members and approval of the accounts, budget and activities plan as well as the yearly financial contribution.
The EUPSF Council of Affiliates currently is composed of the following members:
Individual Affiliate
Dr. Rob Neeter (The Netherlands)
Mrs. Panagiota Tsikala (Austria)
Dr. med. Johannes Wacker, MPH (Switzerland)
Non Profit Organisation (NPO) Affiliate
Dr. Daniel Arnal (Spain), 
Sistema Español de Notificación en Seguridad en Anestesia y Reanimación (SENSAR)
Mr. Johannes Culen (Austria), The Semmelweis Foundation
Ms. Viktória ÄŽurajová (Slovakia), F.D. Roosevelt University General Hospital of Banská Bystrica
Dr. Adriano Friganovic (Croatia), European Specialist Nurses Organisation
Mrs. Doina Carmen Mazilu (Romania), The Order of Nurses, Midwives and Medical Assistants in Romania (OAMGMAMR)
Dr. Jose Joaquin Mira (Spain), Sociedad Española de Calidad Asistencial (SECA)
Prof. Benedikt Preckel (The Netherlands), European Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care (ESAIC)
Prof. Reinhard Strametz (Germany), Wiesbaden Institute for Healthcare Economics and Patient Safety (WiHelP)
Dr. Santiago Tomas-Vecina, Fundación por la Investigación, Docencia e Innovación en Seguridad del Paciente – FIDISP (Spain)
Ms. Kira Tosberg (Germany), German Coalition for Patient Safety (Aktionsbündnis Patientensicherheit e.V. - APS)
Dr. Angelika Werner (Germany), Klinikum rechts der Isar, Technical University of Munich
Industry Affiliate
Mr. Jose Luis Gomez, Becton Dickinson (Spain)
Mrs. Stacey Orsat (Switzerland), Masimo
Industry Pre-Affiliate:
*without voting rights
Join EUPSF now and be part of our excecptional network!
Check the Affiliate categories here above and download the relevant Application form that contains different levels of Affiliation
Fill in the application form and send it to the EUPSF Secretariat on with the interest of becoming Affiliate Member.
We'll get back to you and schedule a meeting to discuss the Affiliation, mutual expectations and all next steps detail.
Or simply contact us and we'll provide you with all necessary details.