Monday, 3 October 2022 in Stockholm, Sweden
How patient safety can look and work in different ways, from different perspectives in Sweden as well as in other countries was discussed during the Patient Safety Conference that took place on 3rd October 2022.
The conference was organised in collaboration with FOKUS Patient (NPO Affiliate) as part of a three-day international event.
Speakers and delegates from
19 countries
29% patient repr.
24% HCP
37% indusrty
More than
100 000 impressions on LinkedIn
for the 3-days event
The EUPSF's priority themes - safety culture, leadership and organisational performance, patient involvement, well-being and safety of healthcare workers - were addressed by 37 international speakers, including representatives from the WHO, members of the European Patient Safety Foundation Board and Swedish national guests.
Several articles were published by the conference's media partner, Health Europa, prior to the conference.
All the sessions from our Patient Safety Conference were recorded and are available to watch!
Feel free to share and tag with
#FOKUSPatient #EUPSF #patientsafety
Patient Safety Conference, 3 October 2022, Stockholm
Patient Safety Conference 221003 Part 1 - Welcome and Keynote speech

Patient Safety Conference 221003 Part 1 - Welcome and Keynote speech

Patient Safety Conference 221003 Part 2 - Patient Safety

Patient Safety Conference 221003 Part 3 - The National Action plan

Patient Safety Conference 221003 Part 4: Why is it easier to change organizations within...

Patient Safety Conference 221003 Part 8 - Safety Culture, natural in Health Care?”

Patient Safety Conference 221003 Part 10 - Closing sessions
FOKUS PATIENT for excellent organisation and cooperation:
EUPSF's conference sponsors:
EUPSF's conference media partner:
Health Europa brings you daily news, interviews, and insightful commentary from the world of healthcare, highlighting the latest developments in health policy, research, and innovation across Europe and beyond.